1995, our company has been selling replicas of blown glasses that were made
in Europe from the 2nd to the 18th century. Actual historical originals or fragments
of glasses that serve us as models for the copies were found mostly in Germany,
Holland, Czech and Scandinavia. Others are copies of glasses from Dutch paintings
of the 16th -18th century. Our products are hand made and blown by the elite
Czech glassmakers and they are virtually identical to the real original glasses
in outlook, details, material and manufacturing technology. On these pages you
can also find the basic information about the history, development, different
forms and types of hollow glass and about the production of the oldest glassworks.
Mainly, we take part in medieval festivals, markets and knight tournaments in
German and Austrian castles. Besides that, we provide our glass to museums and
art galleries around Europe. We also present the catalogue of our products with
a time and place setting of individual glasses. You can find us in various places
in Germany and Austria.Here is the schedule of coming